2025 Circus will again be on Father's Day weekend, June 14-15.
Click for more information
Attention Youths age 8 to 18
Would you like to learn to build and fly R/C Model Aircraft?
Then look into GCRCC’s JetStars!
Meeting and Event Dates.
The next members meeting will be on March 23, 2025. The Gym will be available at 9:00 PM for flying small electric planes. Following are some of the topics that will be discussed at the meeting:
Progress on converting the GCRCC to a 501(c)3 charitable organization.
Proposal to convert control line circle into a RC Track?
The Banquet just concluded was a huge success. Great food, fellowship, awards, raffle prizes and Broken Prop of the Year.
Thanks to Bob for hosting at the Bandit Saloon also known as Bob Zaenkert's Barn. Eddie Obermeyer for the pulled meat and barbecue style food. Chris Zaenkert for organizing the event, obtaining raffle prizes and other food and drinks. And Mark Feist for again presenting the review of 2024.
Freeze Fly
The 2025 Freeze Fly was on January 1st. The weather was chilly, but the wind was howling! Coffee and donuts warmed us up and the contest started at 10. Daniel Troup won first in glow and Chuck Snyder, second. In electric, Mike Trueblood won first, Daniel Troup second and Teddy Stricker third. Thanks to everyone.
Scouts and Jetstars
Scouting Troop 1974 working on their Aviation Merit Badge and camping at our field. Members from the GCRCC, our JetStars, the local EAA Chapter 974, UC Health AirCare and Hogan Flying Service participated in the training.
Pictures from June meeting and Kid's Fly
Pictures from the Circus
Pictures from 2024 Pylon Race
Pictures from 2024 Static Show
X Project
The X Project is a GCRCC club sponsored series of events aimed at building club fellowship, camaraderie and
teamwork through the building and flying of a common aircraft. We are using two kits offered by kit
manufacturer Old School Model Works. These planes were picked for their flyability and ease of construction.
If you have never built before, this is the perfect kit for you.
Project Update

From Randy Adams:
I was contacted by one of the contributors of Model Aviation (AMA's monthly magazine) about doing an article for the October issue which is focused on building. They have asked me to do an article on the X-Project. Please take pictures along the way and document anything that you think might help future builders.
You are going to see a lot of push over the next few years to encourage the building of model airplanes again. To some like me that is a welcomed change.

GCRCC's flying site is now a FRIA.
A FRIA is a defined geographic area where RC airplanes can be flown without Remote ID equipment.
2024 Freeze Fly
Huge turnout at the 2024 Freeze Fly. Temperature was around freezing. Winners in Glow: Daniel Troup, Rick Vogelsang, Chris Zaenkert. Electric: Michael Trueblood, Mark Feist, Teddy Stricker.
Pictures from 2023 Flying Circus
Pictures from 2023 Kids Fly.
Pictures from club meeting, static show and IMAC primer.
2023 Banquet
2023 Freeze Fly
Freeze Fly Winners
Glow: Chris Zaenkert, Daniel Troup and Jan Detherage.
Electric: Michael Trueblood, Mark Feist and Jan Detherage.
2022 Flying Circus
Another Flying Circus is in the books!
2022 Kid's Fly
Another fun Kid's Fly!
Great time had by Spina Bifida famlies and GCRCC members.
Moon Shot Pylon Race
Another fun weekend long race!
Thanks to the participation of so many club members.
Banquet 2022
A huge success!
Thanks to Chris and Chelsea for hosting and the participation of so many club members.
Freeze Fly 2022
Should have been called a rain fly, it was rainy 60° day, as it turned out only a few days before winter cold arrived. We had a great turnout and increased participation in flying especially the glow race.
The Winners of glow in order:
Chris Zaenkert
Mark Feist
Daniel Troup
Winners of Electric:
Mark Feist
Mike Trueblood
Daniel Troup
Fall Picnic 2021
Circus 2021
2021 Kid's Fly
2021 Static Show
2021 Freeze Fly
2020 Picnic and Circus Flying