Greater Cincinnati Radio Control Club Greater Cincinnati Radio Control Club Greater Cincinnati Radio Control Club  
  Tuesday, March 11, 2025 

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Academy of Model Aeronautics
Charter Club #1012

How to Join or Renew


If you wish to renew your annual club membership by mail, please do the following:

Send a check made out to the GCRCC for the total you wish to pay.

Senior Member (19 yrs. and older)         $50

Junior Member (under19)                      $15

Additional Family members                     $1

You can write your AMA number in the memo line or include proof with a print out from the AMA web site.

By default, we no longer mail newsletters. Instead a notification is emailed to you when a newsletter is posted to this web site. Please tell us when you renew if you cannot access the internet and therefore need a paper copy mailed to you.

Mail your renewal to:

John Rourke
5369 Mariners Way
Liberty Twp, OH 45011

Include a self-addressed stamped envelope for the return of you membership card(s). If you do not include a SASE, you can pick your card(s) up at the club meeting. Membership cards will not be returned by mail unless you provide a SASE and you have a current AMA membership. You only need to fill out an application if your personal information has changed.

You may also send your renewal via PayPal. Make sure to select "friends & family" to avoid extra fees.


To fly at our field, members must belong to the Academy of Model Aeronautics and hold an FAA UAS registration. We accept both Open and Park Pilot AMA membership.  Please see the info at the AMA website.


Senior Member (19 yrs. and older)          $50

Junior Member (under 19)                      $15

Additional Family members                     $1

By default, we no longer mail newsletters. Instead a notification is emailed to you when a newsletter is posted to this web site. Please tell us when you join if you cannot access the internet and therefore need a paper copy mailed to you.

GCRCC membership costs are the same for everyone regardless of the type of AMA membership he or she holds.

If you join the club late in the flying season, you will not be charged the full cost of a year's membership.   Dues after 1 October are $12.50 for senior member and $3.75 for junior members.

There are several ways to join the club.  

You can download the adobe file of an application form, print it, fill it out and send to the treasurer.  The address is on the form: 

GCRCC Application Form

You can come to a club meeting and join there.  Actually, this is the best way to enter the club.  Meet the members, ask any question that comes up, and talk to  the training coordinator, and most important, volunteer for grass mowing teams.

You can contact our treasurer, John Rourke by email at

or by phone at 513-490-9381

You can write John at the above address.  Please provide the following information:

Your Name and age


Phone number

email address

AMA number (you can be processed while waiting your AMA number)

additional names of family members and whether they are senior or junior members.

Include a SASE if you wish the membership care be mailed to you. Otherwise, pick it up in person at the membership meeting.




©2001 Greater Cincinnati Radio Control Club
Site design by Quasipop Digital